Manganese is a valuable metallic mineral used in various industries worldwide. It plays an essential role in the production of steel, batteries, and metal alloys, making it one of the most important minerals in the global market. With approximately a quarter of the world's reserves of this mineral, Gabon is a key player in the market. Manganese deposits are primarily located in the Haut-Ogooué region in the southeast of the country. The main mining areas are in Moanda, Franceville, and Okondja.
At room temperature, manganese is a solid metal with a silvery color. It has a typical metallic appearance, with a smooth and shiny surface. In terms of texture, manganese is relatively hard and can be shaped into various forms using molding or forging techniques. It is usually prepared in the form of ingots, plates, or powder, depending on its intended use. Due to its significance in the industry, manganese is often marketed as concentrates or processed products, ready for use in various industrial applications.
Manganese mining in Gabon dates back to the 1950s, and the country is now one of the world's leading producers of this ore.
The most significant manganese mining areas in Gabon are located in Moanda, Franceville, and Okondja. These deposits contain substantial reserves of high-quality manganese.
The Mining Company of Ogooué (COMILOG), a subsidiary of the French group Eramet, is the historical partner in manganese mining in Gabon. COMILOG operates in various mining concessions in the Haut-Ogooué region and has developed processing facilities in Moanda; where the ore is transformed into manganese concentrate.